Killzone 3 is a well created game that has flaws and glitches just like any other game. Is it finally the Killzone game we've always wanted from Guerilla Games, or will it just get shot down like Visari?
When I play Killzone 3 it looks like I have a HDTV instead of a crappy 2004 SDTV sitting on my shelf. What a treat this must be for those 150 people in the world with a 3DTV. I honestly wish I could just go to Best Buy or something and borrow one just to try it out. Regardless, gameplay graphics have their ups and downs. The blood looks pretty much awful. The blood looks like an artery is hit every time you touch a Helghast, but this has been a constant through all the Killzones and I've come to accept that. Other than that there is little to no graphical glitches that just make you laugh instead of game changers.
The gameplay is the same as any other shooter, point, aim, spray. However, this time around Guerilla Games has decided to put a more cinematic feel into the game and there is many on-rail/vehicle scenarios. Of all these the level in which you jump from oil rig thingy with a Heleghast jetpack. The biggest change to Killzone 3's gameplay is the controls and responsiveness. If anyone has played Killzone 2 they remember the horrible controls, and the time it took from pulling the trigger to actually shooting was unbareable. Unfourtunetly my favorite part of Killzone 2 where you dragged your gun across the screen instead of moving like a bipod is basicly gone. And to anyone who played Killzone 2 the ending is much much much much easier in Killzone 3 and way more satisfying.
Basicly the Helghast forces where being with held by Visari, but now that he is dead they are unleashing everything to destroy the ISA forces. The Chairman of the Helghan Senate has started the creation of a biological weapon, and formed a destructive plan that starts to unravel. In this story you play as the Sarge Sefchenko (I honestly don't know how to spell it) and often fight with the Captain Narville and your trusted squad mate Rico. All in all a decent story, but not by any means the best.
The sounds are all decent within Killzone 3. From the radio chatter you hear between ISA squads. To the screaming of Helghan as you rip into them and their squad around them. The soundtrack is as all ways an epic arrangement of music. The only problem, however, lies within the voice acting. This is often seen within the scenes where the Helghast Senate is having their war meetings. The talking just doesn't seem natural, and looks often thrown in just to finish it.
The multiplayer has 3 different assortments of gametypes. The first is Guerilla Warfare where it is straight up team death match, and the best way to learn the ropes and get your first unlock points. Next, is the original Warzone where the ISA and Helghast battle with objectives constantly changing. Finally, there is Objective where the ISA attack a facility and the Helghast must defend it. Objective is my favorite because in between each objective a cut scene is shown with the top players as the "stars" of the scene. Now, I mentioned unlocks before and this is my explination of them. As you level up unlock points are gained and can be spent on different classes giving you new weapons, upgraded equipment, and a new sidearm. It's an intersting idea but it may not be enough as time goes on.
A definet buy to anyone needing a new FPS or loves the Killzone series like I do.
Graphics: 9/10 Guerilla Games proves itself again
Gameplay: 8/10 FPS with a little bit tacked on
Story: 6/10 Generic but good enough
Sound: 7/10 Voice acting bogs the game down, but it refuses to get stuck in the mud
Multiplayer: 9/10 Good old Warzone with a few other decent modes
Overall: 9/10 AWSOME!! BUY!! BUY!! BUY!!