Escalation is full of excitement and disappointment, but luckily Call of the Dead makes it all worth it.
To start off the multiplayer maps, all of which, well suck, pretty much. I enjoy the map Hotel, I can stand Convoy, and Zoo and Stockpile kinda are just bland and stupid (in my opinion mind you). So Convoy is a simple open map, where you can snipe, but you can also run and gun to be successful. Hotel is a medium/long range map, that has some wide open areas while still having up close and personal areas. Zoo and Stockpile are both really bland looking, and the same dull look that many of Black Ops maps have. Also "locking down" the main building in Stockpile just means hitting a button to close a door that can be opened on the other side.
Now the meat and potatoes of this map pack is the Call of the Dead map. The first part that I like about Call of the Dead, the actors that are use. Danny Trejo (Newest movie is "Machete"), Sarah Michelle Gheller (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead), and finally Robert Englund (Freddy). There is a main boss that is always lumbering about and is none other than, George A. Romero (Zombie movie director that has been on a bad streak for about 15 years). And every time you touch him or shoot him he gets angry and you have to run him into the frigid water around the map. The good and bad thing about Call of the Dead is the massive massive map. All in all, the Call of the Dead is the best reason to buy this Escalation Map Pack if you have the friends of course. If you don't beware of the trolls online that shoot Romero get you killed and then leave.
In such, if you have a good group of friends and want some shoot-em-up zombie action then jump on it.