Sunday, July 3, 2011

Annihilation Map Pack Review

Before I start, at this point everyone must realize that Treyarch is pumping out these map packs for your $15. I didn't buy this map nor do I plan on buying it. However, with that said I have watched game play of all the maps and I will stick by my motion to not do so.

The multiplayer maps are Silo, Hangar 18, Hazard, and finally Drive-In. All these maps seem to attempt to make a new playing experience, but as usual fall flat on their face because of the "need" for balance. The one map I'll give props to is Drive-In just because it resembles the size of Nuketown. We all know that we flock to those Nuketown 24/7 playlists when they are put up, and don't try to deny it. Unlike its Nuketown which is considerably wide open, Drive-In has many up close and personal engagements. Hazard seems to be the brighter of the maps and is a wide open remake of Cliffside from World at War. Treyarch says teamwork is essential in this map, but honestly this is CoD if people weren't self-centered and believe themselves better than everyone else it wouldn't be the same. Hangar 18 is your Area 51 if you will, and initailly looks awesome, but then you start to play and it reminds you of a certain map... OH WAIT!!! Every other map that has ever been used in Black Ops. Silo is a large military complex, but much of the map is outside like Hangar 18 and is just as big as Hangar 18. However, Silo offers run n gun, as well as cater to those who like to creep about with Ghost and a silencer.

Now onto Shangri-La, the new zombies map. The initial differences; the Russian, American, Jap, and Psycho German are back; female zombies now roam the earth; monkeys steal your drops; monkey bombs have returned; and napalm and screeching zombies are now the defining roles in this new map pack. The map itself is smaller than Call of the Dead, but now there are much more "escaping" techniques to use which include a waterfall and a geyser. Again there is massive Easter egg to lose sleep over. All in all the map is the only reason to buy this map pack if any. If you have a good group of friends that like to blast zombies away then this may be worth the money. Just look up some videos before you condemn... use $15.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Escalation Map Pack Review

Escalation is full of excitement and disappointment, but luckily Call of the Dead makes it all worth it.

To start off the multiplayer maps, all of which, well suck, pretty much. I enjoy the map Hotel, I can stand Convoy, and Zoo and Stockpile kinda are just bland and stupid (in my opinion mind you). So Convoy is a simple open map, where you can snipe, but you can also run and gun to be successful. Hotel is a medium/long range map, that has some wide open areas while still having up close and personal areas. Zoo and Stockpile are both really bland looking, and the same dull look that many of Black Ops maps have. Also "locking down" the main building in Stockpile just means hitting a button to close a door that can be opened on the other side.

Now the meat and potatoes of this map pack is the Call of the Dead map. The first part that I like about Call of the Dead, the actors that are use. Danny Trejo (Newest movie is "Machete"), Sarah Michelle Gheller (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead), and finally Robert Englund (Freddy). There is a main boss that is always lumbering about and is none other than, George A. Romero (Zombie movie director that has been on a bad streak for about 15 years). And every time you touch him or shoot him he gets angry and you have to run him into the frigid water around the map. The good and bad thing about Call of the Dead is the massive massive map. All in all, the Call of the Dead is the best reason to buy this Escalation Map Pack if you have the friends of course. If you don't beware of the trolls online that shoot Romero get you killed and then leave.

In such, if you have a good group of friends and want some shoot-em-up zombie action then jump on it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Battle: LA

Battle: LA is one of the many alien movies to be coming out this year, and it seems there is a good chance is will be the best.

The story of Battle: LA is that meteor showers hit multiple cities across the world. The main character is a Sergeant Major who is planning on retiring. While training Marines they all are called into a deployment zone. Eventually they're sent out to get to a police station to find and rescue any survivors, and to do this before a planned bombing raid happens. On the way there they platoon is attacked, and so ensues the battle for survival and LA.

Battle: LA has great mix of story telling, combat, and tense moments. All in all the visuals are a great sign, and this movie not being in 3D is a plus.

In such, Battle: LA is a definite theatrical watch, and an eager wait to buy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Killzone 3

Killzone 3 is a well created game that has flaws and glitches just like any other game. Is it finally the Killzone game we've always wanted from Guerilla Games, or will it just get shot down like Visari?


When I play Killzone 3 it looks like I have a HDTV instead of a crappy 2004 SDTV sitting on my shelf. What a treat this must be for those 150 people in the world with a 3DTV. I honestly wish I could just go to Best Buy or something and borrow one just to try it out. Regardless, gameplay graphics have their ups and downs. The blood looks pretty much awful. The blood looks like an artery is hit every time you touch a Helghast, but this has been a constant through all the Killzones and I've come to accept that. Other than that there is little to no graphical glitches that just make you laugh instead of game changers.


The gameplay is the same as any other shooter, point, aim, spray. However, this time around Guerilla Games has decided to put a more cinematic feel into the game and there is many on-rail/vehicle scenarios. Of all these the level in which you jump from oil rig thingy with a Heleghast jetpack. The biggest change to Killzone 3's gameplay is the controls and responsiveness. If anyone has played Killzone 2 they remember the horrible controls, and the time it took from pulling the trigger to actually shooting was unbareable. Unfourtunetly my favorite part of Killzone 2 where you dragged your gun across the screen instead of moving like a bipod is basicly gone. And to anyone who played Killzone 2 the ending is much much much much easier in Killzone 3 and way more satisfying.


Basicly the Helghast forces where being with held by Visari, but now that he is dead they are unleashing everything to destroy the ISA forces. The Chairman of the Helghan Senate has started the creation of a biological weapon, and formed a destructive plan that starts to unravel. In this story you play as the Sarge Sefchenko (I honestly don't know how to spell it) and often fight with the Captain Narville and your trusted squad mate Rico. All in all a decent story, but not by any means the best.


The sounds are all decent within Killzone 3. From the radio chatter you hear between ISA squads. To the screaming of Helghan as you rip into them and their squad around them. The soundtrack is as all ways an epic arrangement of music. The only problem, however, lies within the voice acting. This is often seen within the scenes where the Helghast Senate is having their war meetings. The talking just doesn't seem natural, and looks often thrown in just to finish it.


The multiplayer has 3 different assortments of gametypes. The first is Guerilla Warfare where it is straight up team death match, and the best way to learn the ropes and get your first unlock points. Next, is the original Warzone where the ISA and Helghast battle with objectives constantly changing. Finally, there is Objective where the ISA attack a facility and the Helghast must defend it. Objective is my favorite because in between each objective a cut scene is shown with the top players as the "stars" of the scene. Now, I mentioned unlocks before and this is my explination of them. As you level up unlock points are gained and can be spent on different classes giving you new weapons, upgraded equipment, and a new sidearm. It's an intersting idea but it may not be enough as time goes on.


A definet buy to anyone needing a new FPS or loves the Killzone series like I do.

Graphics: 9/10 Guerilla Games proves itself again
Gameplay: 8/10 FPS with a little bit tacked on
Story: 6/10 Generic but good enough
Sound: 7/10 Voice acting bogs the game down, but it refuses to get stuck in the mud
Multiplayer: 9/10 Good old Warzone with a few other decent modes
Overall: 9/10 AWSOME!! BUY!! BUY!! BUY!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Youtube Channel

My offical youtube channel has been set up.

comment, rate, share, subscribe, and of course enjoy

Saturday, January 29, 2011

LittleBigPlanet 2

LittleBigPlanet 2 is and extremely addictive game that is based off of the creations of other players.


The graphics in LittleBigPlanet 2 aren't anything special, but it is a nice change of pace from the whole must look real graphics. Levels in single player range from a queen's bakery to a spaceship. However, even though the enviorments are different in the big picture they are greatly similar in level view. Now, community based levels are where the greatest variety of levels stem from. Many people have created levels that are greatly diverse in colors as well as the lighting of the levels.


The gameplay is a simple get the scoreboard, or finish line, in the the fastest time possible. To do this you must jump, finangle, and finese your way across platforms and traps. However, the best way to play LittleBigPlanet 2 is by downloading communtiy created maps and game types. These can range anywhere from Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, to asteroids, and even running away from a shark. All in all the gameplay is what makes this game so great. However, the gameplay is much better when you are playing with multiple players expecially with friends.


The single player story of this game is actually quite entertaining as well as being decently funny. So the basic story is that the Negativitron is stealing all happiness on LittleBigPlanet and you must help the Alliance in creating any army to fight and destroy the Negativitron. Thats about as much information as there is to give.


The sound of the gamee is pretty decent, but the sound track is what makes the game what it is. Though not the best there is always a decent beat playing, and helps make the game more enjoyable. The characters during cut scenes sound great, but once it comes to gameplay the only make like grunts instead of words.


There is many race and multiplayer game types, however no are all that much fun. The best game type, I found, was the basketball game type that community created. Beyond map making, and playing with other players there is not much the multiplayer in LittleBigPlanet 2.


The game is worth a definet buy, but if you really are on the fence about this game obviously rent it first.

Graphics: 7/10 Nothing special, but it definitly makes the game what it is
Gameplay: 9/10 Great fun, and the main part of LittleBigPlanet 2
Story: 6/10 Pretty weak, but it has its' moments
Multiplayer: 9/10 If you don't play with friends or other people it's not that fun
Overall: 9/10 Worth the 60 dollar price tag

The Social Network

The Social Network is the true story of Mark Zuckerburg's creation of Facebook, and the "troubles" that come with it. The Social Network takes place during multiple time frames, but the main setting is during the trials in which Mark is being sued by his best fried Eduardo Saverin and the rich prep brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss. However, much of the movie is flashbacks to which Mark explains how Facebook came to be. Surprisingly enough it all started when Mark gets dumped by his girlfriend Erica Albright, and in a drunken outrage he creates a website "". In time Tyle and cameron confront him about creating a Harvard dating site. Mark takes this idea, builds off of it and asks his best friend Eduardo for help in Co-Founding "Facebook".

The Social Network is obviously a drama-esque movie, and I won't lie I'm not a drama fan. This happens to be one of the few movies that doesnt have something blowing up or have me bursting out in laughter that I really enjoyed. I'm going to say right out that I'm not a "Facebook" fanatic, and only go on every so often, but learning the history of it was quite interesting.

All in all,The Social Network is an enjoyable film that deserves atleast one watch.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My top movies

Since the Academy decided to have 10 movies I will have 10 as well, and in no particular order:

The Town
Toy Story 3
Despicable Me
True Grit
The Book of Eli
Brooklyn's Finest
The Social Network
Green Zone