So I gotta say I love "The Hangover" and it has to be one of my all time favorite movies. Now to say "Hot Tube Time Machine" is as good as "The Hangover" is an understatement.
As funny as the movie is, the story is obviously a little shallow. The story is just the setting so that the hilariousness (new word?) can continue. The story is three friends (John Cusack, Craig Robinson, and Rob Corddry) go to Kodiak Valley where their teenage years unfolded and made their memorable times. Along for their ride is Cusack's nerdy nephew (Clark Duke), and when they arive the old hotel is run down and a stinker (litteraly). In their old room 420 they jump in a hot tube where Rob Corddry drops his illegal Chernobal energy drink on the hot tube's controls. There they go back to 1986, and they must do everything exactly the same or a Butterfly Effect will happen (which is a great fucking movie according to Rob). So shallow story but hey do you go to McDonalds for the scenery or the the food.
Is it funny? In short yes, but you want an indepth review don't ya? So obviously this movie is built off of being funny, and it doesn't dissapoint. Throughout the movie bombardments of hilariousness fall on you, along with swears and nudity, but hey I don't think any guy (or girl?) is gonna complain. From front to finish there is something to make you laugh from how the bellhop loses his arm and how the time maching repairman thinks Clark Duke is an ugly girl.
I must say I think this movie is worth a buy, but if you still are guessing it truly is worth a rent. However, if you liked "The Hangover", "Hot Tube Time Machine" is going to be right down your alley. Enjoy!! No Wild Sides needed however there is Motley Crue in the movie...
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